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  1. Merih Aydınalp Köksal, Şükran Elçin Tekeli, Shihomi ARA AKSOY, Anna Kızıltan, Mustafa Kızıltan, Yeşer Aslanoğlu, Fatma Öztürk, Ahmet Burçin Yereli, Nilhan Duran, Gülen Güllü. (2021) “Long Term Characterization of the Vehicle Stock to Combat Air Pollution in Turkey”, Transportation Research Part D (SSCI-Q1) Volume 99, October 2021, 102988

  2. Shihomi ARA AKSOY, Merih Aydınalp Köksal, Şükran Elçin Tekeli, Ulaş Im, Yeşer Aslanoğlu, Fatma Öztürk, Ahmet Burçin Yereli, Alper Ünal, Anna Kızıltan, Mustafa Kızıltan, Nilhan Duran, Gülen Güllü. (2021) “Mortality and Morbidity Costs of Road Traffic-based Air Pollution in Turkey”, Journal of Transport and Health (SSCI-Q2) Volume 22, September 2021, 101142

  3. Shihomi ARA AKSOY, Elena Irwin (2021) "Cluster Analysis for Housing Market Segmentation" Sosyoekonomi 29/49

  4. Selcen OZTURK, Dilek BASAR DIKMEN, Shihomi ARA AKSOY (2021) “Gender Differences in Smoking Behavior: Analyzing the Changes for 2008-2014 Period in Turkey” Sosyoekonomi 29/48,107-126,

  5. Duygu KURAL, Shihomi ARA AKSOY (2020) “An Analysis of the Optimal Design of Feed-in Tariff Policy for Photovoltaic Investments in Turkey” Sosyoekonomi, 28 / 46,  425-444 .

  6. Shihomi ARA. (2020) “On the benefit transfer of the value of a statistical life” Turkish Journal of Public Health. 8(2) :113-128. doi:10.20518/tjph.464518

  7. Shihomi ARA, Cem TEKESIN (2017) “The Monetary Valuation of Lifetime Health Improvement and Life Expectancy Gains in Turkey.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14(10),1151  (SCI-Expanded, SSCI-Q2)

  8. Shihomi ARA, Cem TEKESIN (2016) “The Monetary Valuation of Acute Respiratory Illness from Air Pollution in Turkey.” Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2016; 7(1) 82-91 (SCI-Q2).

  9. Cem TEKESIN, Shihomi ARA. (2014) “Measuring the Value of Mortality Risk Reductions in Turkey.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 11(7):6890-6922. (SCI-Expanded, SSCI-Q2)

  10. Nilhan Duran, Anna Golovko, Mustafa Kiziltan, Deniz Oglu, Agca Cul Yilmaz, Irde Cetinturk Gurtepe, Canan Esin Koksal, Shihomi Ara Aksoy, Ahmet Burcin Yerli, Merih Aydinalp Koksal, Gulen Gullu “Air Pollution Detection in Road Vehicles” 18th World Clean Air Congress, 23-27 September 2019

  11. Donmez Beyhan, Shihomi Ara (2018). “The analysis of overspending behavior of consumers by credit cards with the behavioral economics approach” 4th Turkish Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics Bogazici University, Department of Economics on May 12, 2018, Istanbul Turkey

  12. Duygu Kural, Shihomi ARA-AKSOY. “Estimation of the Optimal Feed-in Tariff Policy for Photovoltaic Investments for Turkey.” Presented at Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Conference, Sep. 7-8, 2017, Ankara, Turkey

  13. Cem Tekesin, Shihomi Ara-Aksoy. “Willingness to Pay for Renewable and Nuclear Energy Options in Turkey10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey, 4 - 7 September, 2011.  
  14. Onur Resit Unaldi, Shihomi Ara-Aksoy, Gullen Gullu. “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Gold Mining with Environmental Valuation Methods” 22nd World Mine Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 11 – 16 September.
  15. Ara, S., Irwin, E., Haab, T., “The Influence of Water Quality on the Housing Price Around Lake Erie.” In Proceedings of American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, July, 2006.  
  16. Ara, S., Irwin, E., Haab, T., “Measuring the Effects of Lake Erie Water Quality in Spatial Hedonic Price Models.” In Proceedings of Environmental and Resource Economists, Third World Congress, Kyoto, Japan, July, 2006.                        
  17. Ara, S., “Consumer Willingness to Pay for Multiple Attributes of Organic Rice: A case Study in the Philippines.”  In Proceedings of 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Durban, South Africa. August, 2003.

Articles Under Review

Shihomi ARA AKSOY, Merih Aydinalp Koksal, Sukran Elcin Tekeli, Ulas Im, Yeser Aslanoglu, Fatma Ozturk, Ahmet Burcin Yereli, Alper Unal, Anna Kiziltan, Mustafa Kiziltan, Nilhan Duran, Gulen Gullu. (2020) “Mortality and Morbidity Costs of Road Traffic-based Air Pollution in Turkey” (Under Review: Journal of Transport and Health)


Merih Aydinalp Koksal, Sukran Elcin Tekeli, Shihomi ARA AKSOY, Anna Kiziltan, Mustafa Kiziltan, Yeser Aslanoglu, Fatma Ozturk, Ahmet Burcin Yereli, Nilhan Duran, Gulen Gullu. (2020) “Long Term Characterization of the Vehicle Stock to Combat Air Pollution in Turkey” (Under Reivew: Transportation Research Part D)


Anna Kiziltan, Mustafa Kiziltan, Merih Aydinalp Koksal, Sukran Elcin Tekeli, Shihomi ARA AKSOY, Ahmet Burcin Yereli, Yeser Aslanoglu, Fatma Ozturk, Nilhan Duran, Gulen Gullu (2020) “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Road-Transport Policy Options to Combat Air Pollution in Turkey” (Under Review: Transportation Research Part D)

Working Paper

Acelya Gizem Oktem, Shihomi ARA AKSOY, Selcen Ozturk “Investigating the Determinants of University Students Recycling Behavior”


Beyhan Donmez, Shihomi ARA AKSOY, Ibrahim Ozkan. “Behavioral Determinants of Consumers’ Credit Card Overspending”


Popular Press Articles Based On Research:

  1. “Seeing Clean Water as a Home – Buying Amenity in Ohio.” Coastal Services, May/June 2007.Online: .
  2. “Hot Commodity: Cleaner Water Increases Lake Erie Waterfront Property Values,” by Jill Jentes Banicki, Ohio Sea Grant Program’s Twineline, June 2007. Also featured by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) , In the Spotlight:


  1. Shihomi Ara "The influence of water quality on the demand for residential development around Lake Erie," Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2007.
  2. Shihomi Ara, "Environmental Evaluation of Organic Rice: A Case Study in the Philippines," Master's Thesis, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, 2001.