
  1. Course page is on line (Sep.21)
  2. Bring CALCULATOR to every class (Sep.21)
  3. Quiz policy for the students taking ECO327 announced. (Oct.10)
  4. Quiz 1 result announced. You can check the quiz papers in my office. (Oct. 20)
  5. Quiz 1 Q & A posted (Oct.20)
  6. Important Change: Midterm Exam 1 is in the 2nd week of Nov now. (Oct.22)
  7. Homework Questions added (Oct.29)
  8. Midterm Exam 1 schedule: Nov.12 (Wed), 13:00-14:45, at D7-D8
  9. Midterm Exam 2 schedule: Dec.1 (Monday), 12:00-13:45, at A1 - D9 (Nov.24)
  10. Quiz 2 result announced. You can check the quiz papers in my office. Quiz 2 Q and A is also posted. (Nov.24)
  11. Midterm 1 and 2 results announced (Dec.14)
  12. Quiz 3 results announced (Dec.25)
  13. Final Exam: January 15 (Thursday), 9:30-11:20, @ D7-D8. Bring a calculator. No cell phone.
  14. Final Exam Result Announced. (Jan.18)



Instructor: Shihomi Ara-Aksoy
(Office: İİBF, İktisat Bölümü, Email: )

Course Information

Schedule: Mondays 9:00-11:45, D10

Office hours: Mondays 16:00-17:00, Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 Or By Appointment

Course description

The purpose of this course is to introduce basic concepts of statistics. Methods of describing data, probability, discrete and continuous random variables and their probability distributions will be discussed. Students are expected to learn the tools for describing and analyzing given data and to be acquainted with probability theory and probability distributions. The topics covered in this course will be a foundation for the courses such as Statistics II and Econometrics. Therefore, make sure to understand each concept clearly.


Course Syllabus

Lecture Schedule



Week 1

(Sep. 22)

  • Why study statistics?
  • Ch. 1

Week 2

(Sep. 29)

No Class

Week 3

(Oct. 6)

  • Describing Data: Geographical
  • Ch. 2
Homework Questions:
(No need to hand in. Practice for quizzes/exams and for yourself)
  • 2.6 (p. 13)

    2.10, 2.14 (p. 19)

    2.17 (p. 19) Data for 2.17 “Smoothies” . Try to use Excel to create charts.

    2.32, 2.34 (p. 30)

    2.36. Data for 2.36 “Water”. Try to use Excel to create charts.


Week 4

(Oct. 13)

  • Describing Data: Numerical
  • Ch. 3

Homework Questions:

  • 3.6, 3.8 (p51)  
  • 3.12, 3.14,  3.16, 3.18  (p59)
  • 3.23 (Data "Scores") (p60)
  • 3.26 (p64)
  • Read pp.60-64.

Answer to one of the HW questions

Week 5

(Oct. 20)

  • Probability (1)
  • Ch. 4

First Quiz was held. Here are the Grades and Q & A.

Homework Questions:

  • 4.4, 4.6 (p87)  
  • 4.8, 4.14, 4,18  (p96)
  • 4.20, 4.24, 4.26 (p106)
  • 4.42, 4.44, 4.50 (p 108)
  • 4.54, 4.58, 4.66 (p117)
  • 4.76, 4.78 (p119-120)
  • 4.80, 4.84, 4.86 (p126)

Week 6

(Oct. 27)

  • Probability (2)
  • Ch. 4

Homework Questions:

  • 5.14 (p140) 
  • 5.18, 5.22, 5.28 (p148-149)

Week 7


  • Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions (1)
  • Ch. 5

Homework Questions:

  • 5.30, 5.32, 5.36, 5.40, 5.46, 5.48 (p156-157)
  • 5.52, 5.56, 5.58 (p160)

Week 8


Midterm Exam 1
13:00-14:45 at D7-D8

Week 9

(Nov. 17)

  • Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions (2)
  • Ch. 5

Week 10

(Nov. 24)

  • Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions (3)
  • Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions (1)
  • Ch. 5, Ch. 6

HW Questions (CH5): 5.30, 5.32, 5.36, 5.40, 5.46, 5.48 (pp156-157), 5.52, 5.56, 5.58 (p160), 5.68, 5.70 (p165), 5.74, 5.80, 5.82, 5.86, 5.88 (p181)

HW Questions (CH6): 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6 (p193), 6.10, 6.16 (p196)

Quiz Result, Quiz Q & A

Week 11

(Dec. 1)

9:00-11:45, Normal Class
2nd Midterm Exam
12:00 - 13:45 at A1 - D9
Coverage: Chapter 5 +Chapter 6 upto page 196

Due to classroom limitation, we could not move the exam to other time period. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Midterm 1 and 2 results

Week 12

(Dec. 8)

No Class

Week 13

(Dec. 15)

  • Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions (2)
  • Ch. 6

Week 14

(Dec. 22)

  • Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions (3)
  • Ch. 6

Homework Question for Ch.6

6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 (p 193)

6.10, 6.16 (p196)

6.18, 6.20, 6.22. 6.24, 6.28, 6.32 (pp208-209)

6.40, 6.44, 6.48 (pp215-216)

6.52, 6.56 (p218)

6.60, 6.62, 6.70, 6.72 (pp225-226)

Final Exam



Grading Policy

Three Quizzes5% each (15% total)
1nd Midterm Exam25%
2nd Midterm Exam25%
Final Exam35%

Quiz policy for students taking ECO327 [Click here for the FORM]

  1. Send me an e-mail if you are registered to ECO327 as soon as possible. I will apply this policy only to the students who informed me prior to the first quiz.
  2. Learn if we had a quiz on the day during class breaks in AM, every Mondays.
  3. If we had a quiz, you get a signature to this form from Prof. Naci Canpolat to prove that you attended his class on the day.
  4. Bring the form to me to my office after the class (12 noon), then I will give you the quiz. The quiz can be taken only between 12 noon - 13:00 on the same day. The result will not be counted if it is proven that the students have talked about the quiz questions with other students who have taken the quiz in the morning before taking the quiz.

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