
  1. Course page is online. (Mar. 13)
  2. See the list of contingent valuation journal papers and their links below. Select 3 papers of your interest. We will finalize the presenter of each paper during the class. (Mar.13)
  3. If you don't know the username and password of the page, e-mail me.
  4. Slides for Air Pollution and Water Pollution. (Apr.5)
  5. Slide for Environmental Evaluation. (Apr.9)
  6. Example Questionnaires are posted below Course Syllabus link in the middle of the page. (Apr.23)


Instructor: Shihomi Ara-Aksoy
(Email: )

Course Information

Schedule: Thursdays 9:00-11:45, DK9
Office hours:
By Appointment

Course description:

This course provides an introduction to environmental and natural resource economics and policy. Lectures are designed to provide insights into the economic aspects and a  theoretical foundation of a wide range of environmental issues including air and water pollution and climate change. The basic concept of cost-benefit analysis and environmental evaluation are also discussed.

Course objective By the end of this course, students are expected to develop a capacity to   evaluate the environmental/natural resources problem at hand, analyze the possible instruments, and assess the impacts of the chosen instrument.


Fundamental Microeconomics knowledge

Course Syllabus

Example Questionnaires

1. Organic Rice Study in the Philippines

2. Air Pollution and Health Study (Hypothetical Questions A and B, Other Questions, Turkish version)

3. Renewable Energy Study by Cem (in Turkish)

ECO448 Contingent Valuation Journal Papers for Presentation (April 12)

Title List and Links

1.      What determines urban households’ willingness to pay for CO2 emission reductions in Turkey: A contingent valuation survey


2.      Consumer’s Willingness to Pay for Organic Chicken Meat in Samsun Province of Turkey


3.      Willingness to Pay for Potable Water in the Southeastern Turkey: An Application of both Stated and Revealed Presences valuation Method


4.      Application of the contingent valuation method in a developing country: a case study of the Yusufeli Dam in northeast Turkey


5.      British Tourists’ Valuation of a Turkish beach Using Contingent Valuation and Travel Cost Methods


6.      The estimation of ecosystem services’ value in the region of Misi Rural Development Project: Results from a contingent valuation survey


7.      Consumer Willingness to Pay for Organic Products in Urban Turkey


8.      On Environmental Concern, Willingness to Pay, and Postmaterialist Values: Evidence from Istanbul

9.      Consumer Willingness to Pay for Organic Sea Bass in Turkey


10.  Mother’s willingness to pay for her own and her child’s health: A contingent valuation study in Taiwan


11.  Willingness to Pay to Reduce Mortality Risks: Evidence from a Three-Country Contingent Valuation Study


12.  Recreational value, user heterogeneity and site characteristics in contingent valuation


13.  Social preferences regarding the delivery of ecosystem services in a semiarid Mediterranean region


14.  Willingness to pay for waste management improvement in Dhaka city, Bangladesh

Related Links

International and Others


Reports in Turkey