
  1. (March 16) Course page is online.
  2. Lecture notes are up. Please e-mail me for the username and password.
  3. Papers' list for presetnation is up.
  4. Midterm Exam: April 8th at 12:20 - 13:50 at D8. Bring a calculator. No cell phones allowed. Coverage: from the beginning to the end of pollution control.
  5. NO CLASS ON MONDAY (March 31st)
  6. Homework Instruction etc. are uploaded (April 22)
  7. Midterm Exam Result (April 22) Note: If you scored below 30 and not attending the class at all, and/or not registered to make a presentation, you have little chance of passing the course. You should do your final and homeowork perfectly if you really need to pass. I will not consider any of your execuses (including "I need to graduate") for final grading.
  8. Final Exam Result (June 6)

Course Syllabus

Homework [DUE: May 19th at 17:00. Submit a hard copy of your report.]

1. Instruction

2. Data File

3. Variable Descriptions

4. CVM question

5. Reference on CVM on STATA

NOTE: Any kind of copied HW will get 0 point. Those who provide HW to others will also get 0 point. Do your homework ALL by yourself. If you have any question, consult the instructor.

Lecture Notes:
0. Introduction

1.Air Pollution (March 3)

2. Water Pollution (March 10)

Pollution Game (conducted on March 24th)




3. Environmental Valuation (1)

4. Environmental Valuation (2)

Presentation Papers:

NOTE: If you wish to present a paper of your choice, please send me the paper
by e-mail to get my approval.

1. What determines urban households’ willingness to pay for CO2 emission reductions in
Turkey: A contingent valuation survey
[Ilkay Koray Dogan] [April 28th]

2. Consumer’s Willingness to Pay for Organic Chicken Meat in Samsun Province of Turkey [Enes Talha Tufekci][May 12th]

3. Willingness to Pay for Potable Water in the Southeastern Turkey: An Application of both
Stated and Revealed Presences valuation Method

4. Application of the contingent valuation method in a developing country: a case study of
the Yusufeli Dam in northeast Turkey
[Ilay Oz][May 5th]

5. British Tourists’ Valuation of a Turkish beach Using Contingent Valuation and Travel
Cost Methods
[Niza Nayame][May 5th]

6. The estimation of ecosystem services’ value in the region of Misi Rural Development
Project: Results from a contingent valuation survey

7. Consumer Willingness to Pay for Organic Products in Urban Turkey
[Ibrahim Ozer] [April 28th]

8. On Environmental Concern, Willingness to Pay, and Postmaterialist Values: Evidence
from Istanbul
[Modou Beyai] [April 28th]

9. Consumer Willingness to Pay for Organic Sea Bass in Turkey [Nesibe Erdogan] [May 5th]

10. Mother’s willingness to pay for her own and her child’s health: A contingent valuation
study in Taiwan

11. Willingness to Pay to Reduce Mortality Risks: Evidence from a Three-Country
Contingent Valuation Study
[Ramiz Abdurahimov] [April 28th]

12. Recreational value, user heterogeneity and site characteristics in contingent valuation

13. Social preferences regarding the delivery of ecosystem services in a semiarid
Mediterranean region

14. Willingness to pay for waste management improvement in Dhaka city, Bangladesh