ECO 448 Natural Resource & Environmental Economics
Spring 2013-2014
(March 16) Course page is
Lecture notes are up. Please e-mail me for the username
and password.
Papers' list for presetnation is up.
Midterm Exam: April 8th at 12:20 - 13:50 at D8. Bring a calculator. No
cell phones allowed. Coverage: from the beginning to the end of pollution
Homework Instruction etc. are
uploaded (April 22)
Midterm Exam Result (April 22) Note: If you scored below 30 and not
attending the class at all, and/or not registered to make a presentation,
you have little chance of passing the course. You should do your final and
homeowork perfectly if you really need to pass. I will not consider any of
your execuses (including "I need to graduate") for final grading.
NOTE: Any kind of copied HW will get 0 point. Those who provide HW to others
will also get 0 point. Do your homework ALL by yourself. If you have any
question, consult the instructor.